Cheese much as I hate to do it, this page is set aside for Cheese...not because he's great or anything, but because his entry & picture take up too much space, so guys dun be jealous. :)



its always fun until someone gets pissed in the eye! I find this to be very true. Anything is worth enjoying to its fullest until urine is involved. When that 5 letter word enters the scene, I suggest you just back away and run for it. You'll be the laughing stock of everyone when they find out you got AIDS from urine enterring your eye socket. Heys people, I'm what you know as Cheese in VQ. I didnt start out that way though. I first heard of VQ in a famed AOL chatroom, and I started an Orc Fighter named after my aol trigger at the time, Expert. I went through the DoD and arena, had fun with such people in Masters as the famous anarchy, ElectricalFire and Neverwinter. When I hit GM, I was a big newbie. I believed in armor. I had no future. I quit and came back a couple months later on the opposite side of the spectrum as a wizard (there were no stupid Psi's back then) called Master. I dont like spell casters. I got this character to the beginning of Masters and got incredibly sick of missing and screwing up. The DoD was literally impossible. So I decided to start another character yet again, this time a priest, named Cheese. NO, I do NOT know why I called it Cheese! It took about 2 months because of school to get him to GM. He was a pure DoD character pretty much, I only made 1 friend that 2 month stretch, a priest! by the name of Avi. He was then, my priest idol, he had a 212/212 priest in GM, and when he left for india in the summer of 2000, I promised there was no way i'd pass him. Well! That promise was killed off fairly quickly now wasnt it! Now begun my assault with my second entry to the GM world, this time with a Priest. I still believe Priests are the funnest class to be, skilled in all areas. After Avi left, and I passed him, I began to see the world of VQ differently. I wasnt respected much as a priest, especially with HUGE characters like Cody (step back and bless yourself if you were in his presence, for he had FIVE HUNDRED HIT POINTS!) and DarkStorms. I started off slowly, with many rivals such as LordAndre and veggetto. LordAndre left (god I hated him) and it turned into veggetto, DarkenRahl, pengwx, and BP6. This was the race for a top15 priest spot. To make all of this short, pengwx and DarkenRahl left, veggetto left when he hit 5bil, and BP6 was a little tart and wouldnt let go until 260/260, and then he also left. With all competition gone, and me getting TOSed off AOL, this around November 2000 now, I didnt blitz hardly as much, talked more, and became the Cheese you know today. I'm not going to name all the people I used to know at this time, because frankly if you've left, you obviously arent reading this. Instead I want to make notice of every single person in GM. You all are what makes this game so incredibly fun to play. You all have diverse personalities, everyone is different, and I cant thank Falados enough for bringing us all together. Cheese is here, and he's here to stay. Whether I'm blitzing someone, making fun of newbies, or just talking of stuff not related to anything, I just want others to realize the power of Cheese. I'm sorry if this is too long ezza, but jeez, just make another page, Males2.htm or something, no.. wait.. better yet, just put this on a seperate page, like Cheese.htm! Its about time I get some respect on your site anyway, you get all these visitors and I have my name IN PINK about 3 times total. PINK! I even gave you the picture I drew, no one else, and you wont even put that up! Sometimes I wonder about you... wait, oh fudge! This is still included in the entry isnt it? Aaahh oh well. Listen people, drink Coke. Never pepsi. And get interested in different types of music, you're all brainwashed by these new bands that stink. Rap is not music, its simply fast talk. I can get a cassette of someone reading the bible, turn up the speed and add a beat, and thats Rap. If theres anything more disgusting than cheese, its tar. Dont eat tar, kids. And if you are ever confronted by a strange looking person who calls himself Cheesus Christ or Julius Cheesar, just hope you're carrying your spiked mace. And do yourself a favor, goto the bottom of this page, and in yellow, there will be a link called "Links". On that page, there will be another link to a wonderful place called "Cheese's VQ Site". Trust me, it will be the best thing you ever did. Even better than that time when you were 14 and you got together with that special girl in the open field and took off your clothes and started to....


Here's a pic made by Cheese...sorry if I made it smaller to make it fit


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