Hall of Honor


Alright, for those of you that have been bugging me ever since the introduction of the History and Records sections, but I didn't put your thing up, this is where you can have your name listed finally.

You can send me an e-mail to bigezza@hotmail.com,  telling me about the most honorable thing you've done in VQ...however there is a limit. Your entry must not exceed one sentence, and only one event may be mentioned.  If you send me another entry after your first, I will automatically put up the latest event and delete your old record.  This is because I cannot make a page that takes 5 minutes to load!


Names are listed alphabetically:

~Forgotten~Warrior~: One man whom is truely nutz, and most of all, fun

~tank~: put me down as fastest player in java cause i am ~_^

^-What-^: split 5 times in a row

}Barry{: i got hit for 8 dmg in gm and was being attacked with double touch of death 2x800%

©ult_®: Ummmm.... too many splits

440man: was the only one allowed to live after calling Takhisis cute so many times

Adam13: became one of the most popular people to ask how to do the fast blitzing tricks accompanied by my neighbor across da block YoungKnight :)

anarchy: first tracer to 150sp, first to cast SBD

Angel_of_Def: In the j sever i once got 10 mill exp from someone who gave 40K in half an hour

archimedes640: I am the only char called archimedes640!

Artemis_Entrieri: I managed to used an entire round of 100 arrows in a match

AznKnight: saying SH!t 2 times around an operator and slapped falados in the chat and used caps for chatting and still didn't get banned lol

Backalleythief: I created the pirate kirby (>*.')>oxxx)::::> and dueling pirate kirby dance (>*.')>oxx)::::><::::(xxxo<('.*<)

Battousai: Only Player in VQ known as Hitokiri BattouSai The Slasher

Bela: Bela defeated wlintott on the arena floor! 3x in a row!

Budski:  The only character who's been in VQ long enough to remember when there was only a novice and expert who doesn't have over a billion exp.

catus: it took me 2 years to gain 2 billion exp, pathetic...

Cody: first player to be 501hp

Cheese: defeated Korax in the first ever minor harm only battle!

coolmatt13: I went from Novice to Expert and Expert to Master in the DOD

crokus: got up to 30 million without a single arena fight :)

culax: I share this Honor with BadPrincess We Both Were the first person's to Blitz with out armor while battling in 3 battle's at a time

daclown8697: I had 2 naked ladies in my ditch once :)

Dad: i hit for 30000 dam a third time today!!!

Dager: Born and Raised in the Arena, It is here where I shall die.

Daglathor: I am not your worst nightmare, i am your every nightmare.

dark_mist: became most hated vq player when i created FaladosSucks

Dark_Rider: the First to earn 200 Hp's

DarkWizard: Does cursing out all the Ops and having everyone hate me for a while count as anything honorable?

dave_2001: first non-spellcaster to have more losses than wins when hitting 20 bil

dave_2002: 7 fights in java server in only 59 seconds blitzing me and ~tank~

DayTripper: longest blitz 1225 fights - with King1{haung

DEATH**: I was distracted by beatiful women in the audience 34 times in a row

deckwiz: i missed 13 times in the row in the old arena with my to hit at 5

demonknight: blitzed 40 hours straight

DIMENSION: I'm the laziest person in vq

dobby: tripled his GM experience points in less than 15 hours

Dookie20: My DoD Is F***ed Up!!!!  

dragar: over 1000 fights in one session

dragon_god: I'm da first person dat's come back ta VQ and argue wit mahself in da java server!

dragon99: first 1 2 do a very very sexy level dance

Draconuz: I got 395 million exp in just under 2 hours

Dre-: I gained 100 mil exp in 15 minutes while blitzing with beast2

endless-arm-pits: the only Male with his char titled as a female!

Exorcist: the first gm to ever do the kirby dance

EvilZero: I was the first one to say shut up to Falados. I think.

ezza: well, I made some sort of VQ page somewhere ^_^

G0GETA (G0KU): I got to GM with no losses.

Gatts: is too dumb to think of anything to write so had to ask ezza to put something down.

Glassy: I got ArchGlassy from 0-500mill exp in 10 hours of play time.

glimril: longest blitz - 1251 fights with Weapon_X

goblin: tracer with most sp

Grudan: never been banned with any of my chars, including bradin

Harry: Chaotic_Knight and I managed to do 8 fights in a minute

helrazor: i got 2 characters helrazor and Trunks04 banned forever in less than 5 min

Hiyasu: The other player who's been in VQ long enough to remember when there was only a novice and expert room, and who doesn't have over a billion exp

i_kill_u_all02: got 20 lvls in one blitz against Theloser02

Icer757: I made it to gm playing three days straight

J.u.d.e: Had only been killing Demon mages untill 80mill with a devils trident 1d18+-2 in close combat

JA1num:1st wizzie which reach 6 billion exp with less than 330 sp

Jesse:  I defended the ladies from that idiot TS (Twisted Soul)

KiMak: Once wasted around 100k gold in Casino, and won... 800 gold!

Ky: a new vq record, 7 fights in 57 seconds with Minister_of_Darkness

Larloch: got my novice banned in 3 minutes

lobke: i got a happy birthday from the GO who booted me afterwards as a present,lol

Lord_Soth: break yo'self...longest, active (semi-active?) VQ player still playing, waiting for that damned VQ2 release.

Lt._T-Rex: I leveled 5 times in an hour and a half

MalkAndCookies: First to 20 bil w/o a FS

mc: i got banned 14 times in 1 hour with 14 different chars

Minister_of_Darkness: I am the first orc to make the top 20 wizards list

misplacedcowboy: First one to have a bradin Iron and a lasso as a melee weapon :)

Morganna: I am the Sunshine Princess of VQ

Mountain_Man11: I Lived in the DoD so long I made GM the night I creamed the Beholders and beat Babaks HP the Natural way.

NeoJago: gained 19mil exp off of the demon mages in death caverns

PickPocket: Got Falados pissed in a server and he almost banned me forever

Point4: first person banned and silenced from Java server

polkmn: the Smallest Chracter In Expert (Shittest)

qwerty_2000: Most outdated name with over 10 bil exp but under 20 billion exp.

RolandHunterX: Made the imposter ezza!

Ruinator: I was the first to find out the sure fire way to buy items for free since the start of the j server

Sabin3: I hit for 5 with triple touch of fire with fire wand

ScoRpioN_KinG: first player under 7billion exp to hit for over 25k (i hit for 27k)

Scrub: I have managed to make friends with everyone in the game for 2 years...  =)

sephora: first tracer to have to cast at 2

Serra_Angel: i made 150 sp fer a pally on the 12th of Nov

Shadowed: I leveled 12 times in about 15 minutes.

Skip: On June 22nd, 2001 I crit missed with a BoDP and Xenthan 9 consecutive times

sleepwalker: haven't leveled in over a year

snapp: Old School Fighter :) just wanna say Hey to all my Fellow VQers and a big hello to my old VQ Buds!

sodaguy: i was the first to rename my FS, i was right there when the game op said nexus is open

Sparohawk: I'm cute and cuddly and all the girls love me :D

Speducles: The only person not to have a good reason to be on this list!

sting911: talks alota sh!t

T-BONE: me and ©ult_® got into 35 glitch fights on December 1st , 2001

TheBigBangBoom: 9.5 bil exp in 6 weeks html, 11 split levels in a row first one at 338 SP, longest blitz of 27 hours and over 2000 fights with Royston.

ThEEvLDr: first person to have another VQ character's name in their FS name (Area Slayer)

Theloser: has To Cast at -7

Toranaga: had the luck to quit vq before all the jackasses started playing thanks to the new arena

Trunks04: I impersonated Falados and got his charcter banned

Twi§teD: got banned for bugging the Game Op three times.

ultimatetwig: im the first to have 100 losses and no wins

understudy: ive got the most replies in the forum for well...really funking long... 105 replies =)

urdeathwish:i made mystic say i am superior to him after i b*tched at him alot!...and then he was booted from that room!

VaB: changed falados' stats to a puny novice

Van: I did the same damage 5 times in a row with the fireball, 10237

Voldemort-the-Mean: got my char stolen and sold for 3 bucks in less than a month.

Warbuggy: I didn't do anything honorable but put me up there!=)

XxX: I once attacked Falados with a Short Dagger.

Y3K'd: most splits in a row. i had 7 splits in a row

youknowme: To all you haters out there, all I have to say is . . . RUN. Youknowme Iknowyou Weknowme and Iknowme but do Theyknowme?


Done something better, more "honorable" again? Send your mail to bigezza@hotmail.com so I can update your record for you.

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